Destination Flavortown!

Choose from two different map styles. At the bottom of this page is a Google map that shows all the locations at a glance. You can also use the map directly below to find locations closest to you. Either way, you can find your way to some good DDD eats!

The map will show the closest 40 locations in a 200-mile radius. You can increase the mileage radius with the drop-down menu or simply select a new location. To see a larger map, click on the little square on the top right of the map.

No apps to download. No annoying ads in the way. Scroll down to the map and find the closest DDD location closest to you or where you plan to travel. Click on the restaurant for a quick description of featured foods.

When you click on a restaurant, you can see the season and episode when it was featured on Discovery Plus. If you have that app, it makes it super simple to find the specific episode where each restaurant is featured.

Coming soon! Let’s face it. Guy is a great guy and we love him. Find out more about his restaurants since those aren’t featured on DDD. You can also find some fun items that honor the Mayor of Flavortown.

We are in no way affiliated with Guy Fieri, Food Network, or Discover Plus. We just love Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives and made a map so we, as the owners of this website, can easily find locations while we are traveling. We hope you enjoy!

You can also view the entire map at a glance with this Google map